I’m Benj Peter, an American Christian singer-songwriter, and I’m honored to share my music with you. Over the years, while balancing a full-time job and other commitments, I’ve written over 200 original songs. Though I kept these songs mostly private for many years, I’ve come to realize that God has given me a gift worth sharing, and now, I’m doing just that.
Through many trials, God has been my constant guide and source of strength, and I know life can be tough for all of us. Whether you're currently facing hardship or looking for inspiration, my prayer is that my music brings you peace and comfort through God’s love.
My ultimate goal is that through my songs, your heart will be drawn closer to our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, and that God’s glory will shine through everything I do. I believe that singing is one of the purest ways to express love—for God and for each other. After all, how can we love the Lord and not sing to Him?
I pray that my music will be a blessing to you. If you're struggling, I pray you find peace. If you’re weary, I hope my songs encourage you. If you’re doing well, I pray you rejoice all the more. Most of all, I hope we both do what we can to glorify God in all things.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and may the peace of God be with you always.
Warmly in Christ,
"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live" – Psalm 104:33